This page features content produced in the Lake Champlain Basin by students, staff, and community members of EcoCultureLab. Other works have been shared in the EcoCultureLab Blog. As EcoCultureLab affiliates emerge in other places, this page will begin to feature links to work being done by each.

Dead Meat
A glance at our current relationship with wild animals and nature, investigating the phenomena of roadkill and the effects that roads and urbanization have on wild animals, and the many implications of these effects. Directed by Peter Ackerman
Watch here:

There are unsteady boundaries between nature and culture, the landscape and its people. When dominion over nature becomes oppression of the human body and soul, the key to both social and environmental resilience may be turned by the same hand. Directed by Finn Yarbrough
Watch here:
An 18-minute documentary film exploring the meanings of environmental art through a profile of four Vermont-based artists: Brian Collier, Anne Cummings, Cameron Davis, and Nancy Winship Milliken. The film was made as part of the director's senior honors thesis for UVM's Environmental Studies and Film & Televisions Studies programs. Local screenings are planned for the summer. Directed by Peter vanderWilden.
Watch here: