
Feverish World is approaching...

“Feverish World 2018-2068: Arts and Sciences of Collective Survival” is rapidly approaching. A tentative program is available here and the list of speakers and featured guests is being updated regularly.

FW Logo designed by Jonathan Harris

We now have some 40 artists preparing TentWorks, which will be displayed indoors and (mostly) outdoors at UVM campus and around town. Registration will soon be available for a few of the events, including Pauline Jennings’ performative riddle-walk through the city and Anne Bourne’s Deep Listening and Community Sounding exercise, as well as for reading TextWorks in advance of the two roundtables (“Art versus Ecocide in a Feverish World” and “Transdisciplinary Strategies for a Feverish World”).

Best of all, Feverish World is entirely free and open to the public. This means that we do not provide much food (good and inexpensive food options will be available) nor any housing for visitors coming from out of town. We recommend the usual places for finding accommodations (Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Priceline, et al.). If there is enough interest, we will try to set up a list for potential homestays (“artists visiting artists,” “scholars visiting scholars,” “activists visiting activists”… that sort of thing). Let us know if you are interested by writing to with “Homestays” in the Subject line.

We look forward to seeing you here in October!

Feverish World logo by Jonathan Harris, 2018.

UVM Earth Week Gala


To UVM students, faculty, and staff: The ENVS 195 Environmental Literature, Arts & Media class will be hosting an Earth Week Eco-Arts Gala Exhibition, to take place on Wednesday April 18 at the Silver Maple Ballroom in the Davis Center, 10 am to 4:30 pm.

If you are working on, or have recently completed, any environmentally oriented art work in any medium -- literature, visual art, music/sound art, theater, dance, performance, new media, mixed media, et al -- and would like to have it included in the exhibition, please let us know about it,

so that we can consider including it in the exhibition.

And if you are interested in helping to organize it, promote it, or otherwise make it a lively and enjoyable event, please also let us know. (Offers of live music and performance welcome!)


Adrian Ivakhiv ( Lisa Liotta ( Finn Yarbrough (